Hello there. This is my web-page. I have no idea what im doing. This site just looks cool. Anyways, i'm just a person. Nothing too interesting about me. I think i'll post stuff like my drawing and other stuff here once i get the hang of this thing.

    things i like.
  1. pizza.
  2. Analog Horror.
  3. movies
  4. Video Games. Like Mario, Sonic, Mega Man, Pizz Tower and Roblox
  5. My top 5 for this is: I'v always had a "old school" taste. I really like NES, SNES, and Sega Genises games over "newer" games. Dont get me wrong, they are also fanstactic, but i pefer the simplisity of old games. Same thing with movies. :/
  6. Music Genres
  7. i'll add more later. I don't know why the numbers are showing up. ==PAGES==